CDL Events in September

There are many exciting things happening at CDL and around Mozambique this month!

  • CDL is privileged to have Dr. Jim Howard teaching New Testament Theology and Dr. Fred Sharpe teaching Biblical Leadership & Ethics September 11-22. The Biblical Leadership and Ethics course will help our students and church leaders minister with a Christian worldview.
  • Dr. Howard and Dr. Sharpe will also lead a pastors’ conference called, “Creating a Healthy Christian Culture in the Midst of a Secular Culture,” September 17-19.
  • September 18-20 Dr. Isaias Uaene, Executive Director of CDL, will be facilitating training on Church Pragmatics—helping leaders enhance their skills on church planning and development. This will be done in partnership with Bellevue Baptist Church and Pioneer Missions Global in mission target areas of the Baptist Convention of Mozambique—Manhiça, Chimoio and Nampula.

Please pray for anointing by the Holy Spirit in all these ministries. Please pray also for partnerships being developed between the Mozambican Baptist Convention and Pioneer Missions Global/Bellevue under the leadership of Dr. Wade & Barbara Akins.