We have many short-term ministry and missions opportunities throughout Mozambique:

- Teaching: college and seminary professors, pastor-teachers needed to teach 2+ week intensive college level courses in different fields of study.
- Leadership seminars: pastors, church leaders, and lay leaders needed to lead training in different subjects for as short as two days or more.
- Evangelism and Outreach: mission groups from churches and Christian organizations needed to do evangelism and outreach ministry with local churches.
- Women and Children Ministries:women needed to lead seminars with women on different topics and to minister to children in orphanages in the cities and villages.
- Projects: we need people to undertake construction work and refurbishment/repair work, among others.
On-site accommodations are available at CDL for those serving with us on a short-term basis. Please contact us for more information.

If you are interested in serving with us, please complete the form below.